Thursday, March 6, 2014

Playin' at the Park

Before coming here, Casey and I were like "It's going to be summer EVERY DAY! Ah yeah!" Then we got here and realized we were just a teensy bit mistaken. I'm sure not missin' the snow dumps we get back in good ol' Utah, but I am learning I was way more prepared for it than the mild cold we have here! It's been raining a ton here (pretty much all of February) and can be quite bitter when the wind picks up. The lack of insulation in the houses and apartments here doesn't help much either. 

Pretty much, we've become cold-weather pansies. Well, at least I have. Casey's outside in it all the time and is like "Oh, it's not too bad." Er...right...

But anyway, where was I going with this?

Oh right, it's finally getting warm outside! Yes, that was quite a roundabout way of getting here, but we made it!

Bridger and I have loved riding the bike around every day again. Oh, how I missed it. That's seriously going to be one of the things I miss most about this place: biking every day and seeing tons of people doing the same. Love it. 

We also spend some time the park down the road from our house, which is awesome now that Bridger's old enough to play and explore. I decided to snap a couple of shots (and by a couple, I actually mean tons and tons). I must say, Casey and I have one adorable kid. ( can be bigheaded on one's own blog, right? Right!) 

And now for the cuteness.

"Time to go home, sweetie."

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