Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Death of the Pink Pacifier

So one day, Casey comes home from the store with a pacifier for Bridger.

"Um, sweetie, that's pink," I say.

"I'm fighting against social structures," comes his reply.

"Errrr....not like that, you're not!"

"Just teasin', the store only had pink, and we need"

I was pretty set against using this pink pacifier, but as it turns out, when ya need a pacifier, ya just need a pacifier. So the pink stuck around because I was too lazy to ever get another one. But I must say, that little guy can pull off just about any look!


Anywho, so we've lived with this pink little lovely for a good six months or so. But it finally met its death a week ago, when we went to Udo Shrine with our friends (more details on that later.)

Bridger was exhausted when we finally made it to the shrine, as it was nap time, and I decided to let him keep his pacifier during our hike to the shrine. When we got there, he woke up. I went to pull the pacifier out of his mouth, but it was nowhere to be found. I immediately congratulated myself, wondering if my subconscious had actually had some evil plan to finally rid our family of this particular pacifier. Another part of me was a little concerned about the large possibility of a rough ride home without this li'l comfort. And let's just say, my fears were not unfounded. This little guy gave us a run for our money, but we survived.

Sorry, Pinkie. Hope you enjoy your new permanent home at Udo! Mwa ha ha ha!!

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