A couple of weeks ago, Miyazaki had a big festival. We headed down to Main Street with our friends Heidi, Aileen, and Julie to watch the parade. We had a little time to kill before the big event, so we walked down a "walking only" street, which just happened to be the right choice! There were all sorts of booths set up for the festival. Lots of food cooking and entertainment going on. Musical groups walked around playing instruments. A man with a giant head scared the crap out of Bridger (okay, it may or may not have been a costume. But a giant head is scary no matter what.) And Casey and I did some goldfish...ing! Heidi was telling us that fishing for gold fish is traditional at festivals. You pay a dollar or so and get a bowl. You also get a little net that is made of paper. The goal is to catch as many fish as possible before your paper net breaks. I wasn't too sure that I wanted to stick my hand in with a bunch of swimming fish (yes, I do realize they are goldfish, but they are fish nevertheless.) Anyway, Casey was victorious and we gave it a try!
We then made it to the parade and snapped lots of photos. By far, the coolest thing we saw in the parade was the traditional Lion Dance. I'm curious about the name because it is a dance where individuals are dressed up in what appears to be dragon costumes. There are two people to a costume (one person being the head and the other the...well...behind.) They shake around and come up to people. Apparently it is tradition to have the lions "bite" your children's heads for good luck. Now as a gaijin, I find this particular tradition to be quite amusing (only because getting your head bitten would be considered a bad thing in most situations.) Anyway, Casey wanted to have Bridger do it, but I didn't think he'd be quite up for it. And I was right. They started walking in our direction, and Bridger scrambled up Casey and clung to him for dear life. So we'll just have to go with the luck we already have and hope it's enough.
Here are links to some videos from the day:
Gold Fishing:
Traditional Lion Dance:
(The lion dance video is blurry for the first 20 seconds or so. Not sure why. Sorry about that! And sorry for my obnoxious laughter and screaming. Yeah...)
And of course, the pics.
Not really sure... |
Our little family |
As you can see, Bridger was pushing himself away from the big-headed...thing. |
Inside a shop. |
Street performers |
Julie, Heidi, and Aileen! |
Aileen's squid treat... |
And now for the parade! |
All in all, it was such a fun festival. We're so grateful to have friends from here who will show us around. Thanks Heidi, Aileen, and Julie!
Casey,aybe you could try out for the Lion Dance as the Dragon's rear end!!!! Ha! Ha1