Thursday, December 5, 2013

Walk by Oyodo River

There is a river that runs right through the heart of Miyazaki called the Oyodo River. As far as I know, Oyodo means something to the effect of "large body of water." It's only a couple of blocks from our apartment, so we end up there quite a bit. Sometimes it's on walks as a family, and other times, it's just Bridger and me on our good ol' mamachari. There are two trails along the river: one is a running trail, while the other is up a hill and serves for more of a bike trail.

Several bridges run over the Oyodo throughout the city, and we have quite the adventure figuring out which bridge we're on if we venture too far from familiar surroundings! About a month ago, during the Miyazaki festival, we were coming home from church and had to take a giant detour. Only problem is that Miyazaki roads curve and run in every which way. They definitely are a change from the whole grid system I'm used to! We ended up going over a bridge, then coming back over the next, then going over the next, then coming back over the next. It was insane but quite amusing.

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