We woke up yesterday thinking "We really need to explore Miyazaki now that we're all settled in here." Our friends must be mind readers because they soon called to see if we wanted to grab some lunch and shaved ice. We aren't the type to turn down food, so we were totally up for it.
We ordered what I can only describe as a noodle-type soup. Not really sure what it was. I should ask Casey, but I'm too lazy at the moment. It was a mixture of Udon noodles (noodles that are fat like worms, which is exactly what they remind me of every time I see them), sweet bread (soggy, as it was in the soup. Yeah...ew) and broth. Casey's had shrimp.
We then ordered the shaved ice. And this is what we got...
Apparently this place is known for its towering shaved ice. It was amazing and delicious. Well, the mango kind was delicious. The white kind was sweet bean flavored. And it had sweet beans in it. So it tasted like...well...beans and ice. Yeah...
Anyway, this restaurant also had traditional Japanese tables, which look like they are for preschoolers but are actually for adults. Notice the absence of chairs and the flooring, which is also traditionally Japanese. They are called Tatami Mats. These are also in our family room.
After our yummy food and brain freezes, we headed down to Aoshima Island with Shane and Noa. We looked like the giddy tourists we are and took hundreds (literally) of pics. A bridge connects the mainland to the island. As you walk toward the shrine on the island, you can look over the bridge to see what is called "Devil's Washboard." Shane, who is from Miyazaki, said the locals call it "Ogre's Washboard." They look like manmade rock walls to keep the water in check, but they are actually completely natural. Interesting, huh?
Devil's Washboard |
We finally made it to the shrine and, once again, went picture crazy. We also got to perform a traditional Japanese ritual, where we took water in one of these cups with the long handle. We bowed, poured water on our hands, drank a little (well, kinda. Casey and I are kinda still scared of the water here and generally prefer bottled...shhh, don't tell!) poured water back on the handle, put it back, and bowed. Look at the dragon faucet! Doesn't get much cooler than that!
Entering the shrine |
The shrine |
Colorful mini taxis to the island. |
Each wooden piece has a prayer on it. |
Part of a ritual where you throw a shell. If it breaks, your marriage will be blessed. |
And we also ran into our friends from the ward, the Shibiyamas and their friend visiting from England. They are an awesome couple, and he is actually our branch president. Anyway, we just had to get a picture with them. :)
(L-R: Us, Noa, Shane, English friend, Ayano, Noeru) |
And one more thing: I went to the restroom in what is called the "Jungle Bathroom" and it didn't disappoint. When I was almost finished, I looked up to see a gigantic spider. I mean the biggest I've ever seen in my life (three inches long and two inches wide or something?) in my life. I froze with complete panic and tried not to scream as I ran out of the bathroom. Ha!
All in all, this place was completely beautiful and our Saturday totally and completely rocked. We can't wait to do more exploring!
That tower of shaved ice is awesome! Love the stories of your adventures... keep them coming. :)