Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's All Fun and Games Until the Diapers Run Out

(First of all, I cannot get this annoying grey background to go away behind my text. Looks like it's here to stay.)

Well, this post doesn't have a whole lot to do with the fact that we're in Japan. But I suppose the purpose of this blog is to document our lives while we're here, a journal of sorts, and today just has to be documented for memory's sake.

It all started yesterday, when Casey traveled to Korea by bus and what is apparently called "The Beetle." The Beetle is a boat that takes passengers between the two countries. He left in the wee hours of the morning in order to make it to the Japanese Consulate in Korea to get his work visa approved and stamped. Conveniently (definite sarcasm here), a person must get a visa stamped outside of the country where he or she intends to work and live. We tried our darndest to get it to Utah before leaving to Japan, so we only had to travel to Colorado (the nearest consulate) but alas, it was not to be. But anywho...

Casey arrived in Korea (yay!) and made it to the Consulate (double yay!) but soon found that he would have to stay for 24 hours in order for the proce

ss to be finalized (triple boo!) His phone is also dead, which makes communication impossible. Although I'm not so sure the whole calling thing would work between the two countries anyway. Luckily he's found some internet cafes, so we've had some contact. But I digress (Just have to put that phrase in here so that Casey can cringe when he reads it...major phrase pet-peeve right there.)

We didn't do a whole lot of smart planning before Casey headed out, so I ended up having 1000 yen (10ish dollars) to my name. I soon noticed we needed more formula but figured we could wait until tomorrow. So grateful I had that money!

Around 10 last night, I found that we were down to our last diaper and it soon had a nice, smelly present waiting just for me. I scoured the apartment, but it was not to be.  With no car and definitely no Wal-Mart to be found, we were totally and completely stuck. Soooo....after some serious searching for anything that might work for a diaper, I settled for some pads (yes, feminine hygiene pads...) and a plastic protective swimming thingy and put the little guy to bed.

It totally didn't work. I am sure Bridger was totally unimpressed with his mommy's attempts at a makeshift diaper.

I dreaded getting up this morning knowing I'd have to deal with quite a mess all day long but was determined to do my best at some cloth diapers. Er...and I mean like towel diapers. I even tried a burp rag. And they were all epic fails. Aye Carumba. I should probably put some Japanese phrase of exasperation there instead but that'll have to wait until another day when, ya know, I actually know one. But back to the point - I completely admire those who choose to do cloth diapers. Um yuck. And why the crap. And all those other incomplete thoughts of wonderment about why  someone would voluntarily do that.

And now for the moral of the story (I bet you didn't see that one coming.) I knew this was a funny and, well, ridiculous situation I was in, but I "knew" I could pull through until midnight tonight when Casey returned. I figured I could hold out until 9 tomorrow morning when the store reopens. I emailed Casey about it, who suggested that I ask Dennis (our friend and employer) to borrow some money and pay him back tomorrow. As it turns out, I am completely prideful in this area. I would pull through victorious without anyone's help. I could do this on my own. But as the day wore on, I looked at my little guy's bottom to find a rash beginning. And then I cried. And cried. (How do single parents do it? Goodness me, I need my hubby!)

So I swallowed my pride and made the phone call. And I just have to say that the Dennis and his family are saints. We got the diapers and Bridger Bug is now comfortable and asleep.

Apparently, I will do whatever it takes to make my baby comfortable and happy, even if it means taking a big slice of humble pie. for the pics!

(P.S. - our child's poor derriere! When we first arrived, we "disinfected" Bridger's bum several times. And I mean that literally. As in we bought disinfectant wipes thinking they were baby wipes....Parents-of-the-Year Award right here.)

(P.P.S. or is it P.S.S.? - While today was a bit difficult, I was definitely blessed with several tender moments from my Heavenly Father. 1. When buying formula today, the ladies at the counter gave me a box of baby cookies for Bridger for free just because they thought he was cute. 2. The Petersens were so willing to help me out to buy diapers. 3. The Petersens brought dinner over to me because they knew I was alone, along with more food for later. 4. Noa, a sweet girl and friend of the Petersens came over to drop off the food with Heidi and ended up pretty much cleaning my kitchen! I was embarrassed and told her not to worry about it several times, but she genuinely didn't seem to mind and wanted to help. I wasn't sure what to do, but I accepted another piece of humble pie and am so grateful I don't have to clean right now! And 5. While putting Bridger to sleep tonight, I was holding him like I would hold an infant (aka with him lying down.) He struggled for a moment, then climbed up to my shoulder and laid his head there and snuggled up to me really close.)

So grateful for the Lord's tender mercies, which are there even on the hard days. Okay, and now for the pics. :)

Thank you, clothespins.

Probably thinking something like "Mommy, you're a doofus."

And "Um Mom, this doesn't even cover my behind!"


  1. Angela! This is so funny/ inspiring/ i-totally-understand! :) but I digress, haha. I am so glad you made it through the day and made some lovely friends in the process! You are in my prayers often and I am so glad that you have a blog so when it is 3 pm in the day and I want to call you- then realize you are sound asleep that I can still contact you through your lovely blog! Love you so much!

  2. Jamie! It's so good to hear from you! How is your cute family doing? I know, the time difference is so weird! And I'm so happy I made it through that day too. It was quite the challenging experience. ;) How are you?? Hope all is well! Love you guys too!

  3. we are doing awesome!! there are ups and downs for sure, but mostly ups :) we are painting our house this week before the snow sets in. this is probably a stupid question... but does it snow there??
